Health Link

Get Online Access to Medical Records at LCMC Health's Facilities - at No Cost to you.

LCMC Health is in the process of expanding its electronic medical record system to Epic across all member hospitals to streamline patient care. LCMC Health recommends that requests for referral or consultations as well as orders for lab and radiology are sent electronically through LCMC Health Link.

What is LCMC Health Link?


LCMC Health Link (EpicCare Link) is a secure web portal that connects you to information stored in our EMR for your referred and admitted patients. As your patients receive care from us, we’ll send you notifications and updates.

Why sign up for LCMC Health Link?

You can place imaging and lab orders, refer your patients to LCMC Health facilities, and send messages to our providers directly from your browser. You no longer need phone or fax—we’ll send you confirmations and patient updates in real time.

We’ll notify you of:

  • Lab, imaging and test results
  • Hospital admissions
  • Discharge summaries
  • PACS images and scanned files
  • Consultation notes
  • Orders placed by our physicians

Getting access

Getting access to LCMC Health Link requires a one-time application per organization. One point of contact will need to serve as the system administrator. Once approved, our community partners will be able to access information regarding patients electronically. As part of this partnership, LCMC Health recommends that requests for referral or consultations as well as orders for lab and radiology are sent electronically through LCMC Health Link. Ordering of tests has become an automated process requiring you to obtain a login and up‐to‐date credentialing with LCMC Health. This process is not only for credentialing, but also for any access to our EMR and includes training and assignment of the user ID and password. Training for LCMC Health Link will be online and will take approximately an hour of your time.

  1. Visit
  2. Select “To join LCMC Health Link, click here!”
  3. Complete the Affiliate Organization Application.
  4. Email the completed application to