Stephanie R. Steele, APRN
- Primary Specialty: Nurse Practitioner - Family (Board Certified)
- Offers Phone/Video Appointments
About Stephanie
As a nurse practitioner, I specialize in Urology. I became a health care provider because helping others improve their quality of life brings me pure joy. It’s a way of making a difference in someone’s life and providing them with the extra special care and attention they deserve. I open myself up to my patients by being approachable, thorough, and professional. In that way, they can feel a level of comfort to let me know what they are thinking, feeling, and concerned about.
My little something extra
West Jefferson Medical Center is where my dedication to serving others and my nursing career began in 2012. While I followed my service calling, I always hoped to one day come back to West Jefferson Medical Center.
West Jefferson Medical Center
1111 Medical Center Blvd, N-703
Marrero, LA 70072
504.934.8100 More information
Education and Experience
- Graduate School
Nicholls State University
Thibodaux, LA
- Board Certification
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (Nurse Practitioner - Family)
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