Rachel D. Bezdek, MD
- Offers Phone/Video Appointments
About Dr. Bezdek
I specialize in Women’s Health. I became a healthcare provider because I love practicing medicine, taking care of people, and getting to know my patients. My patients can count on me to provide extraordinary care because I consider it an honor to watch their families grow and to be there for my patients in times of joy and even in times of hurt. I am privileged to be a part of their story.
My little something extra
I pray for my patients, for their babies, and for my ability to be my best for them.
East Jefferson General Hospital,
LCMC Health Women's Health
Education and Experience
- Medical School
Louisiana State University School of Medicine
Shreveport, LA
- Residency
University Of North Carolina School Of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC
- Board Certification
- American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
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