Kristin Russo, WHNP
- Primary Specialty: Nurse Practitioner - Women's Health (Board Certified)
- Offers Phone/Video Appointments
4.8 out of 5
About Kristin
I specialize in Women’s Health. I became a Nurse Practitioner because I love to teach patients and help them gain important knowledge about their health. My patients can count on me to provide extraordinary care because I provide care centered on them and focus on individual needs. I build trust and loyalty, which I find are key to my patients feeling comfortable with me.
My little something extra
I was born and raised in the New Orleans area. I am a mom of two, and on the weekends, you can find me at a ballpark.
East Jefferson General Hospital
4228 Houma Blvd., Suite 410
Metairie, LA 70006
504.503.7256 More information -
301 Rue de Sante
La Place, LA 70068
985.652.2441 More information
Education and Experience
- Board Certification
- National Certification Corporation (Nurse Practitioner - Women's Health)
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