Elizabeth B. Brinkley, MD

  • Offers Phone/Video Appointments

About Dr. Brinkley

I specialize in brain and spine care. My grandmother had Alzheimer’s dementia, and I was never able to really get to know her because of that. That led me to fall in love with this field. I am passionate about caring for my patients. I want to have open and honest conversations, and I hope to help my patients understand their disease and how we can take care of them.  

My little something extra

I played Division I college golf at the College of William and Mary.

Affiliations East Jefferson General Hospital
Location Information
Education and Experience
  • Medical School
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL
  • Residency
  • UAB School of Medicine Birmingham, AL
  • Fellowship
  • LSU Health New Orleans, LA
  • Board Certification
  • American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Neurology)
    American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Neurology)
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New patient: If you are a new patient, start by answering the questions below.
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