Visiting a Patient

Visitor Information

Temporary Visitor Restrictions –Updated 9/13/22

As the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic lingers and the monkeypox virus is evolving, LCMC Health seeks to maximize family caregiver presence while keeping patients, caregivers, and team members safe. This quick reference guide includes specific information for East Jefferson General Hospital.

Adult Inpatient and Outpatient Care:

COVID-19 positive patients:
  • COVID-19 positive patients will be allowed 1 healthy visitor at a time between 8:30 am - 8 pm, with a maximum of 2 healthy visitors within 24 hours. We will help facilitate and encourage virtual visits as much as possible.
  • Exceptions will be made for patients in end-of-life care, or critical illness on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of hospital administration.
  • Communication with patients can be coordinated. Contact the care team for more information.
  • Any visitor is expected to follow full PPE guidelines as reviewed by our team and may be asked to leave if unable to do so. Any exposures without proper PPE will be required to quarantine at home.
Monkeypox (suspected or confirmed):
  • Monkeypox patients will not be allowed visitors at this time; exceptions would need approval from infection control and hospital administration. We will help facilitate and encourage virtual visits as much as possible.
Skilled Nursing:
  • Skilled Nursing facilities are excluded from this document and will follow state guidance. Please contact a Skilled Nursing team member at 504.503.4699 for further information.
Emergency Department:
  • Visitation to the Emergency Department may be further restricted by physical space limitations and acuity of patients within the Emergency Department. One visitor may be permitted at the discretion of hospital administration.

Family Birthing Center:
  • For laboring or antepartum patients, two adult visitors are allowed in the rooms at one time. Visitors must be 18 years of age or older. One adult visitor/support person will be allowed to stay overnight if specific unit normally accommodates an overnight visitor. A doula will also be allowed (front desk to call L&D charge nurse upon arrival).
  • The Mother Baby unit follows the same visitor guidelines as the rest of the inpatient hospital units.
  • For NICU, 2 visitors will be banded for NICU and will be allowed 24/7 visitation.