Stroke Care

Certified stroke care in Metairie

Specialized care for patients who experience stroke

We know that having a stroke is new and can be frightening, you are not alone. Each year almost 800,000 Americans suffer a stroke. Today’s stroke survival numbers are continually improving.

A nationally recognized program

East Jefferson General Hospital has long been recognized for its personalized and comprehensive approach to treating stroke patients. In fact, CareChex, the leading hospital review service, has ranked us in the top 10% of all hospitals in the United States for stroke care. East Jefferson General Hospital was also awarded the American Heart/Stroke Association’s high honor “Target: Stroke Honor Roll Elite, Gold Plus” award for 2021.

Perhaps nothing speaks to the quality of care we provide stroke patients more than the designation we received from the Joint Commission, an independent, not-for-profit organization that is the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care, certifying East Jefferson General Hospital as a Thrombectomy Capable Stroke Center. This designation means a great deal to us, but here is what it means to those we care for:

  • Certification signifies we have implemented the stringent, national guidelines needed to achieve high level stroke care and outcomes Join Commission’s Disease-Specific Care Certification Program is designed to evaluate clinical programs across the continuum of care.
  • Designation shows an organized approach to performance measurement and improvement activities.
  • What all this means to you, the community we serve, is that we are a stroke facility that can stand alongside the finest in the nation. But more importantly, it means we are actively dedicated to improving our processes to ensure we stay at the forefront of stroke care.
  • The individual measures below are how hospitals throughout the United States are measured. See how East Jefferson General Hospital compares nationally and in Louisiana in each individual measure.

Stroke Measure DataàJan – Nov 2023



Ischemic or Hemorrhagic Stroke patients who received medicine or another method of prevention known to prevent complications caused by blood clots within 2 days of arriving at the hospital.



Ischemic stroke patients who received medicine known to reduce the formation of blood clots (antithrombotic) to prevent complications caused by blood clots at discharge.



Ischemic stroke patients with atrial fibrillation who received medicine known to reduce the formation of blood clots (anticoagulant) to prevent complications caused by blood clots at discharge.



Eligible ischemic stroke patients received tPA (clot buster) to help dissolve blood clot creating blockage within 60 minutes of arriving at the hospital.



Ischemic stroke patients who received medicine known to reduce the formation of blood clots (antithrombotic) to prevent complications caused by blood clots within 2 days of arriving at the hospital.



Ischemic stroke patients who received a prescription for medicine to lower cholesterol at discharge.



Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients or caregivers who received written educational materials about stroke care and prevention during the hospital stay.



Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patients who were evaluated for rehabilitation services.



Ischemic stroke patients for whom an initial NIHSS (stroke severity scale) was completed prior to any endovascular reperfusion therapy, or within 12 hours of hospital arrival for those patients who do not undergo reperfusion therapy.



Ischemic stroke patients receiving any endovascular reperfusion therapy (tPA or recanalization) for whom a modified Rankin score (an assessment of recovery post stroke) was obtained either in person or via telephone within 75-105 days after discharge.



Ischemic stroke patients who are treated with tPA or mechanical endovascular reperfusion therapy who experience symptomatic hemorrhage on brain imaging after reperfusion therapy (overall rate). Lower is better.



Ischemic stroke patients undergoing mechanical embolectomy with substantial, to complete, reperfusion of the distal and occluded vessel.



Median time in minutes from arrival at the hospital to mechanical thrombectomy in eligible ischemic stroke patients with a large vessel occlusion. 90 mins is Goal.

71 mins

92 mins

. *GWTG benchmark: 301-500 Ischemic Stroke Discharges

There are two major kinds of stroke:

  • An ischemic stroke is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel or artery in the brain.
  • A hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a blood vessel in the brain that breaks and bleeds into the brain.

Strokes can cause a loss of the ability to speak, memory problems, or paralysis on one side of the body. Getting the right care at the right time can help reduce the risk of complications and another stroke. These measures show some of the standards of stroke care that hospitals should follow, for adults who have had a stroke.

The individual measures below are how hospitals throughout the United States are measured. See how East Jefferson General Hospital compares nationally and in Louisiana in each individual measure.