Why Vote “Yes”?

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Why Vote “Yes”?

From The Advocate:

Why you should vote yes on East Jefferson General Hospital sale
In the nearly 50 years since it opened its doors, East Jefferson General Hospital has been a treasured community institution. It was envisioned that way by the people who flocked to the growing suburb in the 1960s and voted to build the public hospital, and who would for decades vigilantly defend its independence against those seeking to merge it into a larger system.

But times change, as do the economics of providing health care. These days, community hospitals are struggling to compete against regional networks better able to offer up-to-date technology, economies of scale in operations and purchasing, leverage in negotiating with insurance companies, and an array of facilities that cross parish lines. As a standalone, East Jeff has struggled in recent years and is now in deep financial trouble, $135 million in debt and facing possible foreclosure.

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From The Gambit:

Commentary: East Jeff voters should vote ‘Yes’ on local control of EJGH

With early voting beginning this Saturday, East Jefferson voters have the chance to weigh on the potential sale of the East Jefferson General Hospital. After nearly a half-century of service to residents — not only in Jefferson Parish but also across our region — EJGH finds itself on the verge of bankruptcy.

Although an open and vigorous debate over for-profit healthcare is past due, EJGH’s long-term viability won’t last that long. The patient, as it were, is already in critical condition and immediate action is necessary if the hospital is to continue serving our community. That’s why we’re encouraging voters in East Jefferson to vote “yes” on the proposed sale of EJGH to LCMC Health, which will keep control of the hospital local while also helping get its financial house in order.

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