Services Offered

We offer an individualized treatment plan providing at least three hours of therapy a day, five days a week. In addition to our 7,700 square foot gym, our specialized gym area known as Independence Lane replicates a home-like setting. It houses a bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, outdoor area, raised porch, and car. Independence Lane offers different flooring textures and environments, helping prepare patients to return home safely.

Other Services Include:

  • Family training and conferences
  • Pet therapy
  • Car transfer training
  • Orthotics/prosthetics
  • Big and Loud therapy for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
  • VitalStim for treatment of swallowing disorders
  • Neuro-Developmental treatment
  • Community resource referrals including prescription assistance and education for patient and family
  • Monthly community stroke support group

After discharge, East Jefferson General Hospital offers an array of services to assist in continued recovery, which includes outpatient therapy, Bioness, driving evaluations, and therapeutic programs at the Wellness Center.