Restorix Health, Inc. (“Restorix”) is a healthcare services company that provides wound care management services to hospitals, including East ...
Does your family’s holiday decorating ever get a little wild? Even if it isn’t a raucous good time, it may pose big and small dangers, so add a little ...
This time of year, do you have visions of sugar plums dancing in your head or visions of a never-ending to-do list? The holiday season is often ...
The holiday season is usually packed with seasonal goodies and rich, decadent meals. Can you make the season healthier? Yes! Even small changes to a ...
Diabetes occurs when a person’s blood glucose levels are too high, which can cause health issues throughout the body. Keeping an eye out for common ...
In the days following a breast cancer diagnosis, it’s understandable to have many questions and concerns. We’re answering a common one: “How urgent is ...
Do you know the signs of breast cancer you should be looking for? Staying up to date on how your breasts look and feel can help you find breast cancer ...
When you think about cancers affecting women, screenings such as a Pap test or mammogram may come to mind. While those tests help diagnose common ...
Prostate cancer—the No. 1 cancer diagnosis among men after skin cancer—does not cause symptoms in the early stages. Although many men may ascribe to ...
Medical and professional organizations worldwide agree mother’s milk is the perfect food for babies. A mother’s body is designed to make milk and to ...
The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates more than a quarter million people will have lung cancer diagnosed this year, including nearly 4,000 in ...
Do you think heart and cancer go together? While heart disease and cancer are different diseases, there is a connection. The first thing to know is ...