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Celebrate Men’s Health Month by checking in on your health

Celebrate Men’s Health Month by checking in on your health

During Men’s Health Month this June, LCMC Health is taking the opportunity to remind all men to get an appointment scheduled with their primary care provider! If visiting the doctor isn’t your favorite thing to do, you’re not alone. A recent study found that 72% of men would rather do household chores than see their medical provider.

Staying in the know about your current health status, though, is a key part of being healthy and well. Keep reading for some tips for protecting your health.

Why there’s a Men’s Health Month

The month of June is designated as National Men’s Health Month to focus on the unique physical and mental health needs of men. While the health awareness month spans the entire month of June, International Men’s Health Week is celebrated annually during the week that ends with Father’s Day.

5 steps men can take to protect their health

Men’s Health Month offers men a great opportunity to take control of their health and wellness. Wondering how you can do that? These five steps are a good place to begin:

1. Stay up to date with healthcare. You might think of visiting a medical provider as something you do when you’re feeling under the weather. While it’s true that doctors and other providers are there to help when you’re sick or injured, you should also see them when you’re well. Regular checkups help your provider get a good look at your overall health and where you can improve it. During these visits, your provider may also recommend age-appropriate screenings, tests and vaccines.

2. Commit to moving your body daily. Experts recommend that most adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week, or approximately 20 minutes per day. What’s moderate activity? It’s an activity such as briskly walking, light jogging or swimming—something that gets your heart rate up, but still allows you to talk while you’re exercising. If you prefer a more intense workout, you can aim for 75 minutes per week of an activity such as running or playing tennis.

3. Edit what you’re eating. Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables, paired with a portion of lean protein (chicken, fish or lentils, for example) and whole grains. Round out your meals with a small amount of healthy fat, such as the fat found in avocado, nuts or olives. Looking for extra nutrition credit? Limit your intake of saturated fat, added sugar and sodium.

4. Steer clear of tobacco. Smoking or using tobacco in any form increases the risk of many serious health issues, including cancer and heart disease. If you smoke, talk with a medical provider or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to find resources that can help you quit. Vaping also has risks as e-cigarettes can contain cancer-causing chemicals.

5. Look for healthy ways to manage stress. A small amount of stress is normal and can be a positive motivator, but too much stress can be harmful for both your physical and mental health. Instead of turning to fast food or a cigarette as a coping mechanism when you’re stressed, find healthier ways to cope, such as meditation, exercise, a hobby or time with friends.

Has it been a while since you had a checkup? Take a few minutes today to schedule an appointment and get a good look at your health.