Get to know "Called-to-Care" nursing scholar: Amelia

Get to know "Called-to-Care" nursing scholar: Amelia

In December 2021, LCMC Health welcomed our second cohort of students to the Chamberlain University Called-to-Care Scholars Program. A total of 90 students have now taken the step to advance their career in nursing, with the support from LCMC Health and a guaranteed job when they graduate.

We wanted to get to know the students a little better.

Meet Amelia

What has been your journey to becoming a nurse? And what are you most excited about?

I’ve always wanted to make a difference in other’s lives. But didn’t know what career path would help me do this. I started out majoring in Civil Engineering, but that just didn’t feel right.

My grandfather was actually the one to suggest the program. I fell in love with nursing and have made it my goal to one day be a nurse practitioner. The program is giving me the opportunity to bring my dreams to life.

How would you like to make an impact?

My passion is helping others and nursing allows me to do this in all areas of my life. Whether it’s helping those in developing countries or right here in our community, I hope to be able to volunteer in my spare time to make a difference through my nursing abilities.

In what ways has being a part of the Called-to-Care Scholars program provided any inspiration or motivation in your daily life?

Being a part of the Called-to-Care Scholars program has provided endless inspiration and motivation in my daily life. The opportunity to complete my nursing degree with the financial support from LCMC Health and be able to have a guaranteed job when I graduate has given me so much inspiration. I am excited to join the team and build relationships with fellow nurses.

Did you overcome any obstacles to be a part of the Called-to-Care Scholars program?

My passion is helping others and nursing allows me to do this in all areas of my life. Whether it’s helping those in developing countries or right here in our community, I hope to be able to volunteer in my spare time to make a difference through my nursing abilities.

How did you hear about the Called-to-Care Scholars program?

I was inspired by my grandfather, Dr. Frank DiVincenti, to join the program. He was part of the West Jefferson Medical Center team, serving as a surgeon and then LCMC Health board member.

What is one fun fact about you?

I have a passion for history. Whether it be historical movies, books, articles, journals, or even facts about important women in history, I love learning about the world that came before me.

What's your little something extra?

I don't ever want to stop learning. I believe that the human mind is capable of so much. Why waste life not being open to gaining more knowledge every day?